Specify CloudFormation Parameters

In the CloudFormation process, you use the AWS Console to define the stack and the IP addresses to be included in the Reblaze configuration.

Once you have deployed and launched Reblaze, the AWS Console is opened and CloudFormation process starts. The AWS console can also be accessed at https://console.aws.amazon.com/.

When you use AWS CloudFormation, you manage related resources as a single unit called a stack. All the resources in a stack are defined by the stack's AWS CloudFormation template. The steps in CloudFormation include: creating the stack, specifying the stack details, configuring optional stack parameters, and then the actual creation of the stack.

Create Stack

The stack template fields are prepared and populated automatically.

  • Click Next to continue with Specify Stack Details.

Specify Stack Details

  1. Enter a name for the stack.

  2. Select the Vpcid of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that you want to connect to Reblaze.

  3. Select the subnets from this VPC. You can select multiple subnets. Reblaze recommends selecting at least 2 subnets that reside in different availability zones.

  4. In the RBZAllowAccess field, Enter the IP address that allows your load balancer access to Reblaze. Reblaze recommends using the VPC CDIR block. For example, if your Vpcid is vpc-b5735bcf (, the RBZAllowAccess value would be

  5. Select an instance type. The default value is c4.large. Note: In a production environment, we recommend NOT to use T2/T3 instances types.

  6. Select the minimum and maximum for the number of instances. This defines the limits of the number of Reblaze instances in the event of a large increase in traffic to your site.

    The default values are 1 and 40.

  7. Enter the email address for notifications. This can be the administrator of your system or someone who is familiar with AWS and your VPC.

  8. If you chose to bring your own Reblaze license (BYOL option), enter the Reblaze License ID that was provided to you.

  9. Click Next to proceed to Configure stack options.

Configure stack options

The parameters in Configure stack options are optional parameters for Amazon stack creation. Reblaze onboarding does not require any changes to these parameters.

  • Click Next to Review stack configuration.

Review stack configuration

Review the results of the previous CloudFormation steps. These specifications can be edited at this stage. Reblaze onboarding does not require any changes to these parameters

  • Click Create stack to continue the stack creation process.


As the stack creation process runs, the Events tab in the AWS console appears. You can also navigate to the Events tab via "console.aws.amazon.com/CloudFormation > Stacks > stackname > Events".

  • The stack you just created will have a status of CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. Refresh the screen to see if there is a change in status.

  • When the stack is ready, the status will be CREATE_COMPLETE. Navigate to "CloudFormation > Stacks > stackname > Stack details" to see the newly created stack.


Reblaze provides a Management Console to finish the deployment and to manage the deployed software. The url for this console appears in the Outputs tab of CloudFormation for your stack.You can also navigate to the Events tab via "console.aws.amazon.com/CloudFormation > Stacks > stackname > Output".

Continue with Complete the Deployment.

Last updated