Complete the Reblaze Deployment

Reblaze provides a Management Console to finish the deployment and to manage the deployed software.

Reblaze provides a Management Console to finish the deployment and to manage the deployed software. The url for this console was provided along with the Reblaze license information.

Create your Reblaze Account

  1. Enter your details for your login account at Reblaze.

  2. Click Complete Deployment. This will create your account. This stage may take several minutes. Deployment progress can be seen on this page.

  3. When the deployment is finished, you will be directed to reset your password. Enter the email that was registered with Reblaze and click Reset My Password. Instructions will be sent to this email.

  4. After password reset, you will be redirected to the Reblaze management console login page. Bookmark this url for future use.

Continue with Configure the Reblaze Platform.

Last updated