Create a Load Balancer

Create a load balancer for your project. This load balancer will be used to distribute traffic between Droplets within the same datacenter.

Create the Load Balancer

DigitalOcean documentation for this process can be found at How to Create Load Balancers.

  1. For Choose a datacenter region, select the same region that you selected for the Reblaze droplet.

    1. Select Protocol HTTP with Port 80

    2. Select Protocol HTTPS with Port 443

    3. For HTTPS, select a Certificate using one of the following methods: Note that Reblaze only supports HTTP/HTTPS and only regular ssl (no passthrough).

        1. Select the domain you want to use.

        2. (optional) Select any other subdomains to include, either existing or new.

        3. Enter a name for the certificate, then click Generate Certificate.

        1. Enter the name, certificate, private key, and certificate chain in the respective fields

        2. Click Save SSL Certificate.

  2. Enter a name for the load balancer.

  3. Select the project. If you have only one project, that project is already provided.

  4. Enter the tag that you gave to the Reblaze deployment, then click that tag from the list. The load balancer tag is updated and the load balancer is connected to the Reblaze deployment.

Continue with Create a Firewall.

Last updated